Retina Consultants of Texas: New Name, Same Exceptional Care

For the past 35 years, Retina Consultants of Houston has had the honor and privilege of providing advanced retinal care to patients throughout the Houston metro area. As we begin to transition into a new year, we’re excited to announce that we have outgrown our name and will be providing our services throughout the state as Retina Consultants of Texas.
Does the name change affect my care in any way?
No, it doesn’t – we’re proud to provide world-class medical and surgical care to our patients with retinal diseases throughout southeast Texas with a name that is more representative of the areas we serve.
When I submit for insurance, what name should I use?
Our name has officially changed to Retina Consultants of Texas, but you will still be able to identify us as Retina Consultants of Houston if need be.
Is there anything else I should be aware of as a patient?
We’re looking forward to providing you with the same high-quality care, but with a new name and a new logo.
Is there anything else I should be aware of as a referring provider?
We are working on updating our referral materials and will be happy to provide your office with new forms. If you’d like our new materials, you can request them here.
Most importantly, while our name and logo are changing, our commitment to providing world-class expertise in the medical and surgical management of retinal conditions remains the same. As we grow and evolve, we will continue to focus on what’s most important to us, our patients, and our referring providers:
- Outstanding and compassionate care
- State-of-the-art diagnostics
- Personalized treatment plans
- Cutting-edge research
If you have any other questions regarding this new chapter in our practice, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to help. We have thoroughly enjoyed serving you as Retina Consultants of Houston and look forward to continuing our service to you as Retina Consultants of Texas.