CE Event Recap: Ocular Tumors – How to Find Them and When to Refer

On May 2, 2023, Retina Consultants of Texas hosted a compelling CE event titled Ocular Tumors: How to Find Them and When to Refer, led by ocular oncology expert Dr. Amy Schefler. The session provided a deep dive into the world of ocular tumors, offering practical guidance for identifying and managing a wide range of lesions in the eye.
Identifying Ocular Lesions
Dr. Schefler began with an overview of key considerations for evaluating ocular lesions, emphasizing the importance of assessing:
- Patient age
- Changes in lesion appearance over time
- Number of lesions
- Lesion depth within ocular layers
- Lesion color and composition
Using real-world cases, Dr. Schefler demonstrated how these factors help differentiate benign conditions from potentially malignant ones.
A Comprehensive Review of Ocular Tumors
The session included a detailed discussion of common and rare ocular tumors, such as:
- Sclerochoroidal calcification
- Solitary idiopathic choroiditis
- Choroidal osteoma
- Choroidal hemangioma
- Melanocytoma
- Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium CHRPE
- Nevi
- Uveal melanoma
A portion of the session was dedicated to pediatric oncology, where Dr. Schefler discussed conditions such as:
- Retinoblastoma: A highly treatable pediatric eye cancer when diagnosed early.
- Coats disease: A rare condition characterized by abnormal retinal blood vessel development.
Dr. Schefler emphasized the value of a multidisciplinary approach, which often involves ophthalmologists, oncologists, and genetic counselors working together to provide optimal care.
To attend Retina Consultants of Texas’s next CE Zoom event, please register here for updates.