
Meet Vy T. Nguyen, M.D.
Skills and Specialties
Dr. Nguyen has a special interest in quality improvement. While in training, she helped form a committee of physicians and pharmacy staff to investigate ways of reducing the turn-around time for compounded antibiotics resulting in improving patient access to vision saving medications.
She has attained numerous honors and awards, including the American Association of Medical College’s Scholarship award, the National Medical Fellowship’s Resident Award, in addition to many merit-based and service-based scholarship awards. She has been actively involved in leadership and advocacy activities at the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Advocacy Ambassador Day and Midyear Forum. Dr. Nguyen also has a strong interest in global health as evidenced by her externship in the Public Health and Development Program in South Africa followed by the National Medical Fellowship in Ghana. She was also involved in the Boston University Ophthalmology International Immersion Rotation in Lesotho.
Achievements and Associations
Dr. Nguyen obtained a bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University and a medical degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago. After her internship at Saint Francis Hospital in Evanston, she went on to complete residency training at Boston University and Boston Medical Center. She is fellowship trained in medical retina from the Jules Stein and Doheny Eye Institute at the University of California in Los Angeles.